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Execution time profiler for C programs running under RISCOS 2.00
(version 1.00, 04-06-1990)
With the -p[x] option Archimedes C programmers are able to see
during program execution how often a function is called. This is
an usefull feature when optimising your code.
But sometimes it isn't enough to know how often a function is
called. More interesting is how much time is spend in one
particular function. The function which uses most time is a
candidate for optimising.
Unfortunately the Norcroft C 3.00 compiler hasn't a facility to
do execution time profiling, so I had to write it myself.
How to install it?
Define in your source file where 'main' is defined:
#define EXPRO 1
and include then
#include "h.exprofle"
Now call as soon as possible in 'main':
With filename is the file where the execution time profiling
information is written to at the end of program execution.
Compile without the -ff option to include functionnames in the
After compilation link with the o.exprolib library as the first
library specified.
How does it work?
After calling 'exprofle_init()' the following happens:
- check if running under RISCOS 2.00.
- check if FPEmulator is present and if get its start and end
- search for all functionnames and save pointers to them.
- intercept the undefined instruction vector with a routine
that saves the return address.
- register an OS_CallEvery function which is called every 1/100
of a second.
- register an atexit function.
Now the program is interrupted every 1/100 of a second and the
return address is binary searched in an array of functionname
pointers. When the address interval is found a counter for that
function is incremented.
It is possible that the return address lies outside the program
code, i.e. the program is executing some OS routine.
When the program uses floating point arithmetic the return
address could be in the FPEmulator module as well. In that case
the counter for the fpemulator is incremented, and because we've
intercepted the undefined instruction vector we know the address
from where the fpemulator is called. Now this address is binary
searched in the functionpointer array (in this way we can see how
much of the total time is spent with floating point calculations
and at the same time have correct profile values for every
In all other cases we increment the 'greaterthan' entry.
When the program exits through 'exit' the execution time
profiling data will be written to the output file.
The execution time profiling will be correct in most cases but
you have to be prepared to get some strange results. These
errors are due to the fact that the libraries (Stubs, Ansilib,
RISC_OSlib) are compiled with the -ff option to prevent function
name inclusion.
When your program contains pieces of assembly you have to look
after the following points:
- give the code AREA the name: C$$code
- include functionnames as shown below:
DCB "foo", 0
DCD &ff000000 + foo_Y - foo_X
If the program is running under the WIMP environment the
functions: wimp_poll, wimp_pollidle,
wimp_save_fp_state_on_poll and wimp_corrupt_fp_state_on_poll
are rewritten to prevent the interruption of other tasks.
So when linking, o.exprolib has to be earlier in the list of
libraries than o.RISC_OSlib.
Comments or bug reports may be send to:
Ferdinand Oeinck
Javalaan 25
9715 GP Groningen
The Netherlands
tel. ++31(0)50 732202